Thursday, November 3, 2011

Abuse is Abuse

I was online today and was deeply disturbed by a video that has been circulating the web and landed on the front page of and other news sites.  It shows a father and mother beating their disabled daughter with a belt, and later shows the father defending his actions.  He uses a belt to whip her, and he thinks he did nothing wrong.  A cherry on top: he is a judge that resides over family issues.  Watch the news story, at your own discretion, HERE

An informal poll, also located on, asked readers their opinion on corporal punishment in the home.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but hitting a child and hitting an adult are both examples of hitting.  Hitting an adult is illegal.  Why is it legal to hit a child, and more importantly, why are people OK with it being legal?  Look at the poll results: I think it is ridiculous!

I do not see a difference between corporal punishment and domestic violence, call me crazy.  I believe violence is violence.  If you don't agree, I urge you to look at THIS MEMORIAL and rethink your views of violence-- and corporal punishment is violent-- in the home.

I apologize for coming on so strongly here, but I feel compelled to share this story.  Even those of us not impacted by domestic violence or this type of "discipline" from parents can fight against it by spreading awareness.  I urge you to do so, too.

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