Thursday, June 30, 2011


Yay for summer!

I'm sitting in front of my computer and reverting to routines established throughout this year: Gmail, Facebook, Blog, Google image search "Zac Efron."  The order sometimes changed, but for the most part that was my Monday through Thursday afternoons during the school year.  One would think that a recent Junior would want to leave her past far behind her, but blogging calls me back.  To satisfy this urge to write, my promise to myself and to you, my virtual buddies, is that I will continue blogging during the summer.  Stay posted for more!

PS- For reading this, you get a present:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Meta Blog Second Semester

Or should I say Mega Blog?  It seems more accurate.  Over 1,000 views and 40 posts later, this is the culmination of a great first year of blogging.  A mega year, if you will.  This semester, I covered a wide range of topics, but they all connected to each other in one way or another.  As I previously mentioned in my first Meta Blog, I write about my life because that is what I know.  I also write about the world the rotates so quickly beneath our feet.  Regardless of the topic, Blogging allows a writer to create their own Author's Style.

I did not discuss as many current events as I had in previous quarters, and I did not talk about me, me, me.  But being the angsty teen I am, SOMETHING has to be about me.  This quarter, my writing style has been reinforced and I am happy with it.

Everything written is also read (diaries excluded) and so when writing one must always keep in mind the reader.  By making my writing clear and empathetic, I feel I did this.  One must also keep their audience engaged.  With the help of a small poll on the side of my blog, I was able to tune into what my audience was looking for.  Integrating pictures and jokes where they were appropriate helped me retain readership.    This empathy for the reader has helped me form the style of writing I enjoy most; that is casual and personal.  Even the most mechanical of events has a human side, and I will continue to strive and improve even more on uncovering it.  I hope you agree.

Please refer to the post I feel has the most unique writing style and that I am most proud of:  Lists.